Deeply connected sex with your man is possible.

Welcome to the place where your favorite erotica's sex scene is now your reality.


It's time to stop feeling broken and become the sexy, confident, badass babe of your dreams.

Real talk: If you're still laying there like a dead fish waiting for it to be over, even after trying the newest sex tips and fancy lingerie to get you in the mood, it's not because there's something wrong with you.

It's because you haven't uncovered what's holding you back from deeply connected, fiery sex that resembles your honeymoon phase. That's where I come in.

Say yes to delicious, fulfilling sex with my unique process to awaken your inner Sex Goddess

Reclaiming Desire Signature Program

Coming Fall 2024

When you don't love the sex you're having, you need more than to just try a new position. You need to understand why you don't love it. Reclaiming Desire to the rescue.

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Private 1:1 Coaching

Limited spots available!

Your challenges are unique. I'll help you discover what is getting the way of your sexual freedom in a safe, non-judgmental, compassionate space. When you want to feel supported, I'm here for you.

Give me the details

Are you ready to...


  • Feel like you did when you first met him again?


  • Be excited about sex again?


  • Create a deep connection to your husband and yourself?


  • Let go of insecurities and step into sexual freedom?


  • Experience confidence that radiates into your whole life?


  • Spend your nights sharing your passion for each other instead of feeling you're letting him down?


It's all yours for the taking. Let's work together to get you what you deserve.

Cilka D.

"Amandalyn has been an incredible resource"...

"Amandalyn's presence and way of working has been a huge gift in my life. She has a way of listening that goes beyond the words being spoken and tunes into the undercurrents that weave their way through the collective stories of womanhood. She brings her whole self into her work and has a wide range of knowledge. From the more bio/physiological perspective, to the spiritual, to the psychological, Amandalyn has been an incredible resource and guide in helping me uplift and deepen my bond with myself and in my relationships, and her ability to hold space for very intimate and difficult conversations has filled a gap in my life that I'm forever grateful to her for."

Where self-conscious women come to transform into radiant Sex Goddesses

Because you deserve to have all the pleasure you desire

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